Strategic Management
1-Course Overview:
The strategic management course is designed to provide par5cipants with a holis5c
understanding of the strategic decision-making process within organiza5ons. Emphasizing the
importance of aligning organiza5onal goals with external factors, the course explores the
dynamic nature of the business environment.
2- Course details:
a. Environmental Scanning: Analyzing external factors influencing organiza5ons.
b. SWOT Analysis: Assessing internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportuni5es, and
c. Goal se_ng: Defining clear and achievable objec5ves in line with the organiza5on’s mission.
d. Strategy Formula5on and Implementa5on: Developing effec5ve strategies and ensuring their
successful execu5on.
e. Organiza5onal Design: Structuring the organiza5on for op5mal performance and adaptability.
f. Performance Evalua5on: Implemen5ng metrics and tools to assess organiza5onal success.
3- Who should aending this Course:
a. Strategic Thinking: Develop the ability to think strategically, considering long-term goals and
the broader business landscape.
b. Leadership Skills: Acquire leadership skills essen5al for guiding organiza5ons through
strategic changes.
c. Decision-Making Proficiency: Learn to make informed decisions by evalua5ng risks and
d. Adaptability: Understand how to adapt strategies to changing market condi5ons and
emerging trends.
e. Value Crea5on: Contribute to the crea5on of sustainable value for organiza5ons through
effec5ve strategic planning and execu5on.
In summary, par5cipants in the strategic management course will gain a profound
understanding of strategic principles, enabling them to navigate the complexi5es of the
business environment and contribute significantly to the success of their organiza5ons