January 18, 2024

Social media course

0 Enrolled

Program Overview:
The social media course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive
understanding of the dynamics, strategies, and tools involved in effective social media
management. It covers various platforms, analytics, content creation, and the evolving
landscape of social media.
Program Details:
Module 1: Social Media Fundamentals
Introduc5on to major social media platforms, understanding algorithms, and establishing a
strong online presence.
Module 2: Content Crea5on and Cura5on
Techniques for crea5ng engaging and shareable content, u5lizing mul5media, and leveraging
user-generated content.
Module 3: Social Media Analysis
Interpreta5on of analy5cs data, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), and adjus5ng
strategies based on insights.
Module 4: Community Management
Building and managing online communities, understanding audience behavior, and fostering
positive interactions.
Module 5: Social Media Adver5sing
Strategies for effective paid promotions, understanding ad formats, and maximizing ROI.
Who Should AXend This Course:
This course is suitable for marketing professionals, business owners, communication specialists,
and anyone aiming to enhance their social media skills. It’s beneficial for beginners seeking a
founda5onal understanding as well as experienced individuals looking to stay updated on
industry trends.
What You Will Be Able to Do After AXending This Course:
Develop and implement a comprehensive social media strategy tailored to specific goals.
Create engaging content optimized for different platforms and target audiences.
U5lize analy5cs tools to measure the effectiveness of social media efforts and make data-driven
Effec5vely manages online communities, fostering engagement and building brand loyalty.
Navigate and leverage social media advertising platforms to reach target demographics.
Overall, participants will gain physical skills to navigate the ever-changing social media
landscape and contribute meaningfully to the success of their organizations or personal brands

Course Content

About the instructor

4.06 (16 ratings)

22 Courses

1 students

897,00 EGP
Durations: 12 hours
Lectures: 0
Students: Max 0
Level: Intermediate
Language: English
Certificate: Yes
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