Inbound Digital MarkeNing course
Program Overview:
The Inbound Digital Marke5ng course is a comprehensive program that integrates Google Ads,
SEO (Search Engine Op5miza5on), and Content Marke5ng strategies. It aims to provide
par5cipants with a holis5c understanding of inbound marke5ng techniques to aXract, engage,
and convert online audiences.
Program Details:
Module 1: Founda5ons of Inbound Marke5ng
Introduc5on to the principles of inbound marke5ng, understanding the customer journey, and
aligning strategies with user intent.
Module 2: Google Ads Integra5on
In-depth coverage of Google Ads, including campaign setup, ad formats, targe5ng, budge5ng,
and analy5cs integra5on.
Module 3: SEO Fundamentals
Comprehensive explora5on of SEO best prac5ces, keyword research, on-page and off-page
op5miza5on, and staying current with search engine algorithms.
Module 4: Content Crea5on and Marke5ng
Strategies for crea5ng high-quality, SEO-friendly content, including blog posts, ar5cles, and
mul5media. Content distribu5on and promo5on techniques.
Module 5: Analy5cs and Performance Measurement
U5lizing tools like Google Analy5cs to monitor, analyze, and op5mize the performance of digital
marke5ng efforts across Google Ads, SEO, and content channels.
Who Should A This course is suitable for digital marketers, content creators, business owners, and marke5ng
professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of inbound marke5ng. It caters to
individuals at all skill levels, from beginners to experienced prac55oners, aiming to enhance
their exper5se in the digital landscape.
What You Will Be Able to Do ACer A Develop and execute integrated inbound marke5ng strategies combining Google Ads, SEO, and
content marke5ng.
Plan and launch effec5ve Google Ads campaigns aligned with business goals.
Implement SEO best prac5ces to improve organic search rankings and visibility.
Create compelling, op5mized content that resonates with target audiences.
Use analy5cs tools to measure and analyze the performance of inbound marke5ng efforts,
making data-driven decisions for con5nuous improvement.
By the end of this course, par5cipants will have a well-rounded skill set to navigate the dynamic
digital marke5ng landscape, driving organic and paid traffic while effec5vely engaging and
conver5ng online audiences.